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Heidi Huang

Howdy, Heidi here.

I'm an undergrad at UC Berkeley studying Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis on Molecular Therapeutics.

I'm interested in drug delivery and gene therapy. Currently working on improving non-viral CRISPR delivery.



Sequential appetite suppression by oral and visceral feedback to the brainstem

Nature (2023)

T Ly, JY Oh, N Sivakumar, S Shehata, N La Santa Medina, H Huang, Z Liu, W Fang, C Barnes, N Dundar, BC Jarvie, A Ravi, OK Barnhill, C Li, GR Lee, J Choi, H Jang & ZA Knight

Before this project, the cNTS' response to ingestive feedback had never been directly observed in awake animals. Using optogenetic methods to record neural activity in mice, we discovered that signals from taste and gastrointestinal stretch can suppress appetite and promote satiety. This challenges the traditional belief that tasty food only stimulates consumption. My specific roles included performing behavioral and fiber photometry experiments, managing mouse colonies, and administering drugs to mice via injections.


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